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Some examples of what will happen on #SID2012

Focus…Safer Internet Day 2012

[Austria] goes to Parliament on SID 2012

To discover the digital world together and safely,, along with partners, has prepared a handful of events and resources for all generations. Online safety activities with a focus on intergenerational dialogue will continue all through the month of February. That´s why it’s called the ‘Safer Internet Month of Activity’!

[Belgium] Showcasing young talent and collaboration that connects generations

On the eve of Safer Internet Day (SID), 6 February 2012, Child Focus will host an eSafety night: a red carpet event for an intergenerational audience. Partners, teenagers and VIPs will attend this event with their families: children, parents and grandparents. The eSafety night is an awards ceremony that will award two initiatives taken by young people. The first prize will recognise the best online content created by or for young people. The second prize will be awarded to the best eSafety spot designed by students at film schools (higher education) for younger teenagers.

[Bulgaria] Student playwriting competition marks Safer Internet Day 2012

The focus of Safer Internet Day (SID) 2012 in Bulgaria is a playwriting competition for students with the topic ‘Together in internet’, dedicated to the theme of SID 2012 ‘Connecting generations: Discovering the digital world together…safely!’. The competition was launched on 1 December 2011 and was designed to give school children the opportunity to work together with peers and adults to create a scenario for a short play of 15 minutes in length.

[Czech Republic] Partnering with seniors to promote SID 2012 messages

This year, the dialogue between generations is the main theme of Safer Internet Day (SID). Of course, children and young people are at the centre of the campaign… but what about the other generations? That’s simple: Who has time enough to play with children? Who has real authority? Last but not least, who is talking online with children? Of course – grandma and grandad! That is why the Czech National Awareness Centre (NAC) decided to address seniors as partners in its dialogue with children this year.

[France] New online edugame for 7- to 12-year-olds: “Discover internet together, safely…”

Created by the French Awareness Centre – Internet Sans Crainte – to promote Safer Internet Day, the new Vinz et Lou game will be at the centre of hundreds of awareness workshops run by teachers and educators to celebrate the event all over the country in February. Called “Discover internet together”, the online game is designed both to help children identify crucial issues related to their practices and encourage them to speak to adults, and to learn with them how to use this media in a responsible and critical way.

[Luxembourg] Live streaming of conferences and interactive round table for SID 2012

On Safer Internet Day 2012, the Luxembourg Safer Internet Centre (SIC), BEE SECURE, has chosen to communicate around information security in an interactive, network-centered way. Two public conferences and a panel discussion involving specialists and citizens of mixed generations will be streamed live to the net, allowing citizens from all over the country to participate in the event. The public will have the opportunity to ask questions to the speakers using social networks such as Twitter and Facebook.

[Slovakia] Slovakia celebrates SID 2012 with Sheeplive

Safer Internet Day in Slovakia will take place in schools, with a presentation to children, teachers, parents and the media. The main focus is on the launch of four new animated stories which were published on the website shortly before Christmas. These stories are available not only in the Slovak language, but also in German, Slovenian, Polish and Estonian. New Croatian versions are coming soon.

[Spain] Celebrating SID 2012 with youth panels from across Spain

The new Spanish Safer Internet Centre (SIC) is running various events to celebrate Safer Internet Day 2012. The main event will be the Young People’s Congress which will bring together 16 youth panels, formed from 240 girls and boys from across Spain, under the theme of ‘Connecting generations’. These young panelists will be accompanied by more than 300 of their schoolmates in order to spread the word and increase participation in celebrations of Safer Internet Day 2012 among the student community.

[UK] Celebrating Safer Internet Day 2012 with a 12-hour internet radio marathon

In celebration of Safer Internet Day – 7 February 2012 – the UK Safer Internet Centre (SIC) is again running a 12-hour internet radio marathon. The theme for the radio day will be ‘Connecting generations’, under the slogan ‘Discovering the digital world together safely!’. Last year, tens of thousands of listeners tuned in to the programme and it is hoped that this number will be exceeded this year.

See also:

Stay tuned for next tutorials, coming soon 😉


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